Traditional Maltese Ricotta Qassatat

Traditional Maltese Ricotta Qassatat

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Christine Tanti

Christine Tanti

Community member

"This is my Mum's original recipe. This recipe is a traditional Maltese recipe prepared during lent."
Medium 👍
120 min
45 min
30 min


500 g
all-purpose flour
1 pinch
186 g
3 tbsp
olive oil
1 kg
cold water
salt and pepper
  • Step 1/6

    • 500 g all-purpose flour
    • 1 pinch salt
    • 186 g margarine
    • 3 tbsp olive oil

    Sieve the flour into a large bowl. Add a pinch of salt, olive oil, and the margarine.

  • Step 2/6

    • cold water

    Do the rubbing-in method until the mixture starts to resemble breadcrumbs. Then, add cold water until a dough is formed.

  • Step 3/6

    Leave the dough to rest for 30 minutes.

  • Step 4/6

    • 1 kg ricotta
    • 4 eggs
    • salt and pepper
    • semolina

    Prepare the ricotta mixture, by mixing the ricotta with 4 beaten eggs, adding some salt and pepper. Add also some semolina to thicken the mixture, without making it too stiff.

  • Step 5/6

    After letting the dough rest for 30 minutes, roll it open, and cut off small circles of about 11cm diameter. Put some ricotta mixture at the centre and form the qassatat by overlapping the dough in an alternating pattern, once in front, and once behind.

  • Step 6/6

    Place the qassatat on a tray or in a muffin tin, and brush with some egg wash. Cook on a middle shelf, for about 45 minutes at gas mark 8.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Traditional Maltese Ricotta Qassatat


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