Bulgarian style gyuvetch
Step 1/9
- ½ kg pork neck
- ¾ kg potato (peeled)
- 2 eggplants
- knife
Chop the meat, potatoes and eggplant in medium sized pieces and place them in your slow cooker or Dutch oven.
Step 2/9
- 4 carrots
Then chop the carrots in round pieces and add to slow cooker/dutch oven.
Step 3/9
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1 green bell pepper
Clean the seeds from the bell peppers, chop them in medium sized pieces and place in the slow cooker with the other vegetables and meat.
Step 4/9
- ½ bag green beans
- ⅓ kg okra
Add in your green beans. If you need to chop them first, go ahead. Add the okra as it is.
Step 5/9
- 2 heads onions
Finely chop the onion and add
Step 6/9
- 500 g tomato purée (passata)
- 2 tsp summer savory
- 2 tsp dried mint
- 4 tsp sweet paprika powder
- salt
Mix all of the seasonings with the tomato purée (it’s going to spread evenly this way). Add the tomato purée to the other ingredients and stir until all of the purée has coated the vegetables and the meat.
Step 7/9
- sunflower oil
Be sure to put oil on the guyvetch. Use as much as you like. In Bulgaria we use a bit too much oil, so do it to your taste.
Step 8/9
Add half a cup of water to the guyvetch.
Step 9/9
Place your Dutch oven in the oven with the lid on. Cook for approx. 2 hours and a half on medium heat. The dish is ready when the potatoes and meat are cooked, so try it out a few times.
Enjoy your meal!