Our Greatest Hits of 2020
A collection of 20 recipes you loved the most
During one of many pre-lockdown lunch conversations at Kitchen Stories (remember those?), our managing editor Devan asked me what I like listening to while cooking. For me, it’s generally a mix of music, funny podcasts or absolutely nothing, depending on the mood. But it got me thinking about how we all have that one artist, podcast or album that keeps us company through our culinary highs and lows. Whether it’s Tool or Taylor Swift, or some obscure podcast about GMO crops, if it inspires you to cook, it’s all good. What do you like listening to in the kitchen?
Riffing on the music theme, we want to end the year with a recap of 20 of our greatest hits. These are our most loved, commented, and best rated recipes from the year, all in one place, so that you don’t have to scour the app to find them. These dishes carried us all through a challenging year, but hopefully it was a tastier year for all of us, as well.
Which recipe will you replay, skip or cook next? Let us know in the comments below!
Published on January 5, 2021