From Local to Global, Introducing Our Community Issue
This month, in collaboration with Infarm, it’s all about you
Our experiences are a huge part of what makes us unique as individuals, and while those differences are definitely worth celebrating and sharing, this month here at Kitchen Stories, we want to dive into the one thing that connects us: Food.
Through eating itself we live a global life: Whether we’re cooking recipes that connect us to our local community (for all of us in Berlin lying in wait for perfect, in season white asparagus) or back to our homes and loved ones, perhaps on the other side of the globe (move over croissants, we’re eating youtiao for breakfast); sourcing ingredients that traveled far and wide to reach our baskets to plucking herbs grown directly in our neighborhood grocery stores, what connects us all as part of the Kitchen Stories community is not just cooking (and eating), but sharing (not just inspiration), learning, and, in the end, connecting through food.
This month, we’re happy to be collaborating with the Berlin-based farming revolutionaries at Infarm. Since 2013 they’ve been on a mission to provide quality, fresh, and locally grown herbs and lettuces (including 5 different kinds of basil!) to communities around the world; they’re now found in 10 countries and 30 cities. Using modular, modern vertical farms that automatically provide the plants with water, light, and essential nutrients, Infarm enables cities (like our hometown, Berlin) to grow locally all year round and save valuable resources. In addition, they don't use any chemical pesticides! Check out their website for more information about what they do and to check if their 100% locally grown produce is available in your community.
We’ll be sharing: a few recipes that won a community-wide vote (you asked for them!), some awesome recipes uploaded by members of our community, and what we’ve learned from each other here at KS. We’ll also tap into our global food community by taking a look at how recipes can change based on availability (or lack thereof) of specific ingredients and how the same dishes or ingredients are used (and loved) in different ways around the world.
We’re looking forward to putting the focus on our community this month, for us that’s a community that casts itself local, global, and everywhere in between! If you are too, save this article and check back each week to see what’s new—we’ll be updating and adding links to our latest recipes and articles throughout the month. In the meantime, let us know in the comments how you connect and feel part of the community here at Kitchen Stories!
— Our Recipe for Crispy, Cheesy Chicken Cordon Bleu
— Nothing Says Spring is Here Like These Chinese Wild Garlic Pancakes
— Need More Everyday Cooking Tips? Here Are 23 Of Our Favorites
— How This Community Member’s Regional Family Recipe Made It To Kitchen Stories
— 17 of Our Favorite Herbs and How to Use Them
— The Spring Potato *and* Asparagus Salad to End Potato Salad Debates
— Deep-Frying vs. Air-Frying: Which Makes the *Best* Fried Chicken?
— The Summery Chicken Dish with Minimal Ingredients but Maximum Flavor!
Published on May 1, 2021