30 Big Baking and Cooking Projects to Conquer at Home
From all-day stews to multi-tiered, show-stopping bakes
Food has a special ability to bring people together and it can, like few other things, comfort and calm us in times of uncertainty—so it’s only natural that we turn to it now. As we adjust and move forward day by day, we wanted to put the call out to you, our global community, to share the recipes that have kept you going (even with a dwindling pantry). Upload them or share what you're cooking with us on Instagram using the hashtag #stayhomekeepcooking in your chef's note or post. Community is more important than ever, and we hope that we'll keep you inspired to cook and share with us.
Once upon a time not so long ago, my weekends were reserved for extensive culinary projects, recipes that boasted a labyrinth of steps and required a wealth of time I simply couldn’t squeeze into my work week. I’m talking bread recipes with multiple rising times, double- or even triple-tiered cakes, all-day stews, and a litany of DIY projects: homemade pasta, homemade pickles, homemade dips—you get the picture.
The onset of social distancing has, for me, stretched time into a strange endless weekend loop, spurring me to cook elaborate dishes any and just about every day—and I’m not alone. With so many of us now confined to our homes, more and more people are heading into the kitchen for comfort and pleasure. Whether it’s nursing your first sourdough starter, diving into the realm of cake decorating, or perfecting lamination for homemade puff pastry, it’s a perfect time to tackle the lengthy recipes you’ve had bookmarked for months.
To get you started, here’s a collection of recipes that may make you break a sweat, but they’ll also make your heart and stomach swell with joy once conquered and on the plate. If you need extra guidance or inspiration, take a look through our baking and homemade how-tos. Happy cooking!
Published on April 30, 2020