Homemade Creamy Salted Butter (Parsley & Thyme)

Homemade Creamy Salted Butter (Parsley & Thyme)

Based on 1 ratings
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Alexia’s Table

Community member

"I love spreading butter on a crispy baguette and I love spices too! Being able to combine great flavors with a creamy addition allows me to tease my palate. What I enjoy the most about making my own butter is that I can pretty much add any spice that I like."
Easy 👌
5 min
0 min
5 min


1 package
heavy cream
ice cold water
dried thyme


glass jar, glass jar, bowl

  • Step 1/4

    • glass jar

    Grab a glass jar and a packet of heavy cream.

  • Step 2/4

    • 1 package heavy cream
    • glass jar

    Pour the heavy cream into the glass jar. Start shaking it for 5-10mins until the heavy cream solidifies and the jar becomes liquid-free.

  • Step 3/4

    • ice cold water
    • bowl

    Once the creamy butter has formed, transfer it into a bowl. Tap the butter down until the buttermilk surfaces and pour it out. Add ice cold water on the butter and keep pouring out the liquid until it becomes clear.

  • Step 4/4

    • salt
    • parsley
    • dried thyme
    • glass jar

    Transfer your creamy butter back to the glass jar. add a pinch of salt, chopped parsley and thyme. Mix it altogether until you get a creamy and voluptuous texture. Finally, put the glass jar in the fridge and use your creamy salted butter as you wish.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Homemade Creamy Salted Butter (Parsley & Thyme)


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