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The Zen of Breakfast

The Zen of Breakfast

Enjoy one hour of weekday morning quietude.

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You wake up every day between seven and eight a.m., stumble into the shower, get dressed, and then grab a slice of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. Or perhaps your first meal of the day will be the cake or porridge you buy and quickly eat on your way to the subway. There’s no break in the frenetic pace and soon you dissolve into the listless crowd of workers, rushing off to start their day.

Amidst the madness maybe you can’t even recall what you ate for breakfast or if you even did.

Don’t make this mistake. The best time of the day is the morning and it shouldn’t be rushed; rather, it should begin with a calm and delicious breakfast.

Before you pack yourself into a crowded bus or subway car, before you begin the humdrum routine of the work week, before you thrust yourself into the battlefield of business, you can set aside at least one hour of time for yourself at home. Why not take advantage of this time to enjoy a delicious breakfast and a healthy start to the day?

Porridge is the perfect breakfast to enjoy in the hour of calm before the storm. All you have to do is mix the ingredients together in a pot, boil them for a short time, and, before you know it, you have an amazing breakfast. And depending upon your taste, you can make it either savory or sweet.

Also, the minimum amount of time required to make porridge will afford you more time to organize your thoughts, walk around the kitchen, and refresh your spirit for the day.

Imagine yourself on a winter’s morning, wearing comfortable pajamas and wrapped in a shawl, perhaps. You see the busy outside world from the safety of your calm kitchen, porridge in hand. This is a moment of peace. This is the morning. Give it the respect it deserves.

Quick almond porridge

Quick almond porridge

Published on January 16, 2016

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