Our 25 Most-Cooked Recipes This Summer
Everyone else has cooked them, why haven’t you?
No matter where you spent it, one thing’s for sure: the summer of 2020 will go down in history as a time of upheaval, when the world was put through a crisis and (one can only hope) came out better on the other side. The global pandemic forced many of us to spend our spring—a time typically filled with chilly morning walks and watching plants shake off winter and begin to bloom—indoors, isolating from others and adjusting to our “new normal.” There were things to keep us occupied of course, from Netflix’s Tiger King to the yeast and flour shortages that had just about everyone (myself included) hopping on the sourdough train.
While many lighthearted moments were shared and acts of kindness from afar were helping communities around the globe, this spring and summer were also filled with darkness, intense struggles, and pain for many of us. But in those times of sadness and despair, food can provide comfort like nothing else can. Whether it takes the form of a slice of seasonal streusel cake or a hearty scoop of rich and creamy potato gratin, we know that food is not just fuel—it can mean so much more.
In light of this moment, we wanted to highlight some of our most-cooked recipes of the summer—ones we’re likely never to forget.
Which recipes have you relied on throughout this unprecedented summer? Let us know in the comments, or upload them to Kitchen Stories for the whole community to enjoy.
Published on August 13, 2020