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Our 10 Favorite Vitamin D Rich Foods

Our 10 Favorite Vitamin D Rich Foods

Plus, why the so-called sunlight vitamin is so important

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Do you ever think about how much vitamin D you’re getting on a daily basis? If not, you definitely should be! The so-called “sunlight vitamin” assumes a big role when it comes to a healthy immune system and strong bones.

Theoretically, a daily basking in the sun for between 15 and 30 minutes is enough to trigger vitamin D synthesis in your skin and cover up to 80% of your daily consumption. However, it’s not always a given that vitamin D synthesis through sunlight is available to us every day–hello, winter!–so it’s best to supplement your intake with vitamin D rich foods. But how do you know which foods contain the most vitamin D?

Here are 10 that you can add to your shopping list for a boost your body will thank you for:

1. Avocado

Many fruits and vegetables contain a special type of vitamin D known as ergocalciferol, or vitamin D2. The highest value of vitamin D2 is found in the trendy, yet incredibly tasty avocado. So, long live avocado toast!

2. Salmon

Animal products contain vitamin D3, scientifically known as cholecalciferol­–the most important physical form of vitamin D. Experts say that this form is essential for our bodies to maintain a stable metabolism. Fatty fish, such as salmon, are valuable sources of this important type of vitamin D.

3. Herring

Another great, and fishy, choice is herring. It contains approximately the exact recommended daily value in just 100 grams of fish. So you can say goodbye to those cod-liver oil pills and hello to tender little herring!

4. Cheese

There are even different types of cheese with comparatively high amounts of the sunlight vitamin. Surprisingly, processed cheeses score higher than Gouda and soft cheeses!

5. Mushrooms

Button mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms, and porcini mushrooms are all good sources of vitamin D2, however extended exposure to heat reduces their levels, so a quick sauté or simple steaming is your best bet to get the most vitamin D goodness.

6. Liver

Like fatty fish, offal is a good source for vitamin D3. Liver (e.g. beef or chicken liver) contains a good dose of vitamin D3—so for those with the palate for it, liver should be on the menu more often.

7. Butter

Dairy products like butter and cheese include a lesser amount of vitamin D compared to offal or fatty fish, but naturally make their way into more foods. 

8. Yogurt

Another easy way to integrate vitamin D rich food is yogurt. Eat it for breakfast, make yogurt-based sauces, or stir it into rich soups and soups for a creamier take, this is super versatile ingredient.

9. Egg yolk

What’s a Sunday brunch without eggs? One egg delivers about 2 micrograms of vitamin D–mostly coming from the yolk, so unfortunately those egg white omelettes won’t be of much help in this category!

10. Milk

How much vitamin D milk has depends on its treatment and fat content. For example, a glass of whole milk contains more than glass of skim milk. 

Another tip: According to estimations of the National Institute of Health, an adequate supply of vitamin D is not warranted through ordinary nutrition. But with a balanced diet that involves vitamin D-containing foods, you can easily fill up your healthy vitamin D stock!

Published on March 18, 2018

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