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Oktoberfest Beer's Best Friend

Oktoberfest Beer's Best Friend

Homemade Obatzda spread.

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Obatzda Spread: A Bavarian Delicacy

Bavaria is one of the world’s greatest beer brewing regions. It’s nearly impossible to think of it without thinking of its rich brewing history, Oktoberfest, and charming beer gardens. Take a trip to Bavaria, and you’re not only certain to come across finely-crafted beer, but also local cuisine.
Sausages and pretzels are what most people associate with this region’s food; however, there are countless other mouthwatering delicacies, too! Obatzda spread, for example, is a tantalizing dip made of cheese, butter, spices, and crunchy vegetables that’s just begging to be accompanied by a soft pretzel and cold German pilsner. If you’ve never tried it, take the opportunity to do so today—you’ll be glad you did.

Make it at Home!

All of the ingredients to make Obatzda are fairly inexpensive and easy to purchase. You’ll want to be sure that you have a hand mixer with beaters on hand, though, to ensure that the butter is whipped and creamy.

Here's what you'll need:

Utensils: knife cutting board large mixing bowl hand mixer with beaters bowl, for serving
Ingredients: - 7 oz Camembert - 1/2 stick butter - 3.5 oz cream cheese - 1 tbsp caraway seeds - 1 tbsp paprika - salt to taste - 1 red onion - 1 bunch chives - 2 radishes
We’d recommend pairing it with one of the following recipes and a crisp, cold German Pilsener!

Soft pretzels and veal sausages

Soft pretzels and veal sausages

Published on September 18, 2016

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