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Avoid Microplastics in Your Diet – It’s Not Too Late!

Avoid Microplastics in Your Diet – It’s Not Too Late!

There are simple changes to your diet to avoid microplastics

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Emre Kesici

Emre Kesici

Food Editor at Kitchen Stories

Microplastics are residues from all the plastic waste that has been released into the environment, and every living being on the planet suffers from them one way or another. Some of the main sources that microplastic make their way into your body are contaminated water, air, and soil. 

The involvement of these microplastics and nanoplastics affect the human body through causing inflammations, meddling with the neural network, and causing oxidative stress

What’s the real danger of microplastics?

The danger comes from the amount of microplastics (plastic particles smaller than 5mm) that are introduced to the natural environment each year. The estimated amount is between 10–40 million tons. This means that almost everything you consume can include a form of microplastics. 

The unnatural consumption of these particles mean imbalances in your immune system, hormones, and even organ damage. 

How to avoid microplastics in your diet

There are a few simple tricks that consumers can do at home for the time being:

Eat local and organic

The most drastic decrease in microplastic consumption comes from eating fresh produce. The produce you trust and ideally have planted yourself is the best and the first line of defence.

No more packed or canned foods

Eating from plastic bagged, premade, and canned foods are increasing the microplastic amount that enters the body. Avoiding the store bought, heavily plastic packed food will already drop this amount heavily.

•Your foods should be in glass and bamboo instead

The food that is stored at home might have been subjected to a lot of microplastics due to the containers so commonly used. These utensils range from containers to cutting boards, which (if made from plastic) release the unhealthy plastic agents into the food prepared at home. Switching to wood, glass, bamboo, paper, or beeswax is the best option.

Published on March 12, 2025

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