Spicy mushroom ragù

Spicy mushroom ragù

Based on 31 ratings
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"Inspired by a recipe in now defunct food magazine, Lucky Peach's 101 Easy Asian Recipes cookbook, this vegan ragù is one that I’d liken to an Italian bolognese with a punch of heat, thick, glossy consistency, and even deeper, more burnished red color. You can use just about any mushroom you have on hand and even swap in finely chopped cauliflower for another variation. Chop all the vegetables by hand for a heartier texture, or keep it easy and let the food processor do the work for a softer, noodle-coating bite. Serve with rice if you’d like, but I find it more perfectly paired with chewy udon noodles. Freeze or refrigerate leftovers."
Easy 👌
45 min
0 min
0 min


10 cloves
60 ml
canola oil
1 tsp
110 g
1 tbsp
Korean black bean paste
150 ml
pasta water


1 cutting board, 1 knife, 1 peeler, 1 food processor, 2 bowls, 2 pots, 1 cooking spoon, 1 colander

Nutrition per serving

Fat13 g
Protein14 g
Carb72 g
  • Step 1/4

    Remove the stems from the mushrooms and quarter. Peel carrots, onion, and garlic. Add mushrooms to a food processor and pulse just until roughly chopped and transfer to a bowl. Add carrots, onion, and garlic to the food processor and pulse until roughly chopped.
    • 225 g shiitake mushrooms
    • 2 carrots
    • 1 onion
    • 10 cloves garlic
    • 1 cutting board
    • 1 knife
    • 1 peeler
    • 1 food processor
    • 1 bowl

    Remove the stems from the mushrooms and quarter. Peel carrots, onion, and garlic. Add mushrooms to a food processor and pulse just until roughly chopped and transfer to a bowl. Add carrots, onion, and garlic to the food processor and pulse until roughly chopped.

  • Step 2/4

    Heat oil in a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat. Add mushrooms, carrots, onion, garlic and salt. Cook until very soft, approx. 10 min.
    • 60 ml canola oil
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 1 pot
    • 1 cooking spoon

    Heat oil in a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat. Add mushrooms, carrots, onion, garlic and salt. Cook until very soft, approx. 10 min.

  • Step 3/4

    Add chili flakes, gochujang, black bean paste, and soy sauce to a bowl. Stir until smooth, then add to the pot, stirring to combine. Bring to a simmer, then reduce heat to low and let simmer, stirring often, for approx. 12 min.
    • 1 tsp chili flakes
    • 110 g gochujang
    • 1 tbsp Korean black bean paste
    • 60 ml soy sauce
    • 1 bowl

    Add chili flakes, gochujang, black bean paste, and soy sauce to a bowl. Stir until smooth, then add to the pot, stirring to combine. Bring to a simmer, then reduce heat to low and let simmer, stirring often, for approx. 12 min.

  • Step 4/4

    In the meantime, cook noodles in a pot of boiling water according to package instructions and drain, reserving some cooking water. Thin out ragu with the cooking water as desired, then season to taste with salt. Serve noodles with ragu and top with cilantro and fried onions, if desired. Enjoy!
    • 400 g udon noodles
    • 150 ml pasta water
    • cilantro (for garnish)
    • scallion (for garnish)
    • 1 pot
    • 1 colander

    In the meantime, cook noodles in a pot of boiling water according to package instructions and drain, reserving some cooking water. Thin out ragu with the cooking water as desired, then season to taste with salt. Serve noodles with ragu and top with cilantro and fried onions, if desired. Enjoy!

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Spicy mushroom ragù


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