New York Strip Steak (with Garlic Butter)
cast iron pan, tongs, cooking spoon
Step 1/7
- 660 g New York Strip Steak (3/4 inch)
- 4 pinches salt
- 4 pinches crushed black pepper
Season steak with salt and pepper on both sides.
Step 2/7
- cast iron pan
Heat skillet over medium-high heat until smoking.
Step 3/7
- 4 tbsp canola oil
Add canola oil to skillet.
Step 4/7
Lay steak to sear for 1 minute and 30 seconds on the first side. Do not touch the meat.
Step 5/7
- 6 tbsp butter
- 4 cloves garlic
- 2 sprig thyme
- tongs
Flip to sear other side for the same amount of time. Add butter, garlic, and thyme.
Step 6/7
- cooking spoon
Baste over meat for last 30 seconds.
Step 7/7
Take steak off pan and let rest for at least 5 minutes before slicing.
Enjoy your meal!