mammy's Orange cake
Step 1/7
open the oven in 180 degree Celsius
Step 2/7
- 4 eggs (room temperature)
- 400 g sugar
mix the eggs with suger well untill the sugar dissolved
Step 3/7
- 240 g butter (soft)
add the molten butter and mix again
Step 4/7
- 360 g flour
- 1 tbsp baking powder
sieve the flour with baking powder and add them gradually to the last conbination with mixing
Step 5/7
- 250 ml orange juice
add the Orange juice and mix again will
Step 6/7
in 32 cm tray with wall.. line it with oil or ghee and spill the combination in it
Step 7/7
put the tray in the middle part in oven and bake for 40 min
Enjoy your meal!