Fig jam

Fig jam

Based on 1 ratings
In app
Berries & Beans

Berries & Beans

Community member

"Fig jam is a great spread and goes wonderfully with cheese. We recommend combining it with goat's cheese—whether it takes the form of cream cheese or slices. The recipe results in approx. 3 jars."
Easy 👌
45 min
0 min
600 min


500 g
250 g
jam sugar (1:2)
1 package
vanilla sugar
20 ml
orange juice
  • Step 1/5

    Rinse the figs, remove the stalks, cut them into small pieces and add them to a pot.
    • 500 g figs

    Rinse the figs, remove the stalks, cut them into small pieces and add them to a pot.

  • Step 2/5

    • 1 lemon

    Press the lemon and add the juice to the figs. Depending on your taste, you can also add some addtional lemon zest.

  • Step 3/5

    • 250 g jam sugar (1:2)
    • 1 package vanilla sugar
    • 20 ml orange juice

    Add the gelling sugar, orange juice and vanilla sugar to the pot and mix well to combine.

  • Step 4/5

    Cover the pot and leave in the fridge overnight to allow the figs to infuse and extract more juice.

  • Step 5/5

    The next day, bring the jam to boil and let simmer for approx. 5 min. Now pour into sterile jars. Turn the jars upside down and invert them after 10 min. As soon as you hear a *plop* you know that the jars are well sealed.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Fig jam


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