Cold beetroot summer soup
Step 1/6
- ⅓ kg potato
- 1 eggs
- pot
First of all I like to start from boiling my potato’s and eggs. Simply because it’s quicker and give some time for eggs to cool down before serving. For that I usually tries to use young potato’s and just wash them before boiling. As well I usually boil them in the same pan with eggs, so they ready much quicker and done at the same time.
Step 2/6
- 206⅔ ml Marinated shredded beetroot
- ⅓ l kefir
Second thing that I do, I mix my marinated shredded beetroot/(with marinate from the bottle you bought) and kefir in large bawl or pot. I wanna mention it is up to you if you wanna use marinate or not. It’s absolutely up to your taste how soury you like the soup.
Step 3/6
- 166⅔ g cucumbers
- 83⅓ g dill
- 83⅓ g scallions
- 83⅓ g radishes
- ⅛ tbsp salt
- ⅛ tbsp pepper
Now the time for chopping and adding to the bowl of kefir and beetroot everything else! So I chopped as little as you like all cucumber, radish, dill and scallions.
Step 4/6
Now you can add salt and pepper.
Step 5/6
At this point your potato’s and eggs should have been boiled by now. So you can remove eggs and let them cool down and cut potato’s and let fry them on the sides, so they will be crispy outside and soft inside.
Step 6/6
Ones potato’s are done and eggs cooled down, it’s time to serve. Usually you can pour soup in the bowl, cut egg to half and just drop 1/2 of egg per portion. You can also sprinkle some chopped dill and scallion on the top if you like and serve with crispy potato’s on the side!
Enjoy your meal!