Wholewheat sourdough

Wholewheat sourdough

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"I like it most with butter spread on it."
Medium 👍
30 min
50 min
675 min


40 g
fresh sourdough starter
110 g
110 g
rye flour
600 g
560 g
300 g
whole-wheat flour
10 g


dutch oven

  • Step 1/7

    • 40 g fresh sourdough starter
    • 110 g water
    • 110 g rye flour

    Combine sourdough starter, flour and water the night before you are meaning to bake the loaf. Let the dough sit at room temperature over night.

  • Step 2/7

    • 600 g water
    • 560 g flour
    • 300 g whole-wheat flour

    Combine the dough with the flours and water until a shaggy dough forms. Let that chill for 15 minutes.

  • Step 3/7

    • 10 g salt

    After the 15 minutes, knead for 8 minutes. Then add the salt and knead for another 5 minutes.

  • Step 4/7

    Chill the dough for 2 hours at room temperature. Fold the dough every half an hour.

  • Step 5/7

    Shape the dough into a loaf and let it proof in a proofing basket or towel-lined bowl for an hour.

  • Step 6/7

    • dutch oven

    Preheat the dough to 465F (240C), let the dutch oven preheat as well.

  • Step 7/7

    Flip your proofed loaf into the dutch oven, score it and bake it with the lid on for 15 minutes. Then take the lid if and reduce heat to 410F (210C) and bake another 35 minutes.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Wholewheat sourdough


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