Vegetarian Calzone

Vegetarian Calzone

Based on 1 ratings
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"Taste this delicious vegetarian calzone-enjoy!"
Easy 👌
20 min
20 min
90 min


2 g
active dry yeast
¼ tsp
¼ cup
warm water
½ cups
all-pourpose flour
½ tbsp
olive oil
¾ oz
sliced cheddar
1 slices
grated Parmesan cheese
tomato sauce


1 stand mixer with dough hook, 1 rolling pin, spoon

  • Step 1/5

    add sugar and active dry yeast to warm water; stir throughly until dissolved
    • 2 g active dry yeast
    • ¼ tsp sugar
    • ¼ cup warm water

    add sugar and active dry yeast to warm water; stir throughly until dissolved

  • Step 2/5

    add flour, salt and olive oil and the water yeast to the stand mixer with dough hook, and knead until smooth, approx 5 min. Cover and leave somewhere warm for at least 1:30 hr. or up to a few hours, until doubled in size.
    • ½ tbsp olive oil
    • ½ cups all-pourpose flour
    • 1 stand mixer with dough hook

    add flour, salt and olive oil and the water yeast to the stand mixer with dough hook, and knead until smooth, approx 5 min. Cover and leave somewhere warm for at least 1:30 hr. or up to a few hours, until doubled in size.

  • Step 3/5

    On a floured work surface, divide the dough in half (approx. 300g each dough) Shape each dough into a ball and let rise for 30 min. After that, preheat the oven at 250°C/480°F and flatten out the dough into a pizza.
    • 1 rolling pin

    On a floured work surface, divide the dough in half (approx. 300g each dough) Shape each dough into a ball and let rise for 30 min. After that, preheat the oven at 250°C/480°F and flatten out the dough into a pizza.

  • Step 4/5

    It's time to fill up our calzone. I suggested as filler this ingredients, but you can to filling with whatever you like best. Spread tomato sauce; add the mozzarela, sliced cheddar, grated parmesan cheese, spinach, sliced tomato and oregano to taste. The quantities presented in the list of ingredients are to make two calzones.
    • cups spinach
    • ¾ oz mozzarella cheese
    • ¾ oz sliced cheddar
    • 1 slices tomato
    • oz grated Parmesan cheese
    • tsp dried oregano
    • tbsp tomato sauce
    • spoon

    It's time to fill up our calzone. I suggested as filler this ingredients, but you can to filling with whatever you like best. Spread tomato sauce; add the mozzarela, sliced cheddar, grated parmesan cheese, spinach, sliced tomato and oregano to taste. The quantities presented in the list of ingredients are to make two calzones.

  • Step 5/5

    Close as shown on video; add to a greased pan with olive oil and bake at 250°C/480°F for approx. 20min

    Close as shown on video; add to a greased pan with olive oil and bake at 250°C/480°F for approx. 20min

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Vegetarian Calzone


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