Tomato tacos

Tomato tacos

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"The cool thing is that I didn't use wheat flour. Note that chickpea flour is absolutely gluten-free. Flaxseeds contain small quantity of gluten. So, if you want gluten-free tacos, you can always replace flaxseeds with more chickpea or something else. :)"
Easy 👌
5 min
4 min
0 min


200 g
warm water
1 pinch
1 pinch
red pepper powder
1 pinch
120 g
chickpea flour
80 g
flaxseed flour
3 tbsp
olive oil
  • Step 1/4

    • 150 g cherry tomatoes
    • 200 g warm water
    • 1 pinch salt
    • 1 pinch red pepper powder
    • 1 pinch oregano

    The first step is to prepare our tomato paste. I used a blender to mix the tomatoes, the red pepper powder, the salt, the oregano and the warm water.

  • Step 2/4

    • 120 g chickpea flour
    • 80 g flaxseed flour

    After that mix the chickpea flour and the flaxseed flour.

  • Step 3/4

    • 3 tbsp olive oil

    Pour the tomato paste into the flour and in the end add the olive oil. Mix all ingredients together with a fork.

  • Step 4/4

    Use a pane and pour 1/6 of the liquid inside. Bake the taco for 2 minutes on each side. Please note, that before you pour the tacos in the pane, you should let it cool for a couple of minites.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Tomato tacos


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