Sweet and Spicy Treacle Ginger Cake

Sweet and Spicy Treacle Ginger Cake

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"This is a dish that I made after finding an open can of Black treacle in February still left over from making my Christmas cake of 2020. This inspired me to use up what I had in my kitchen cupboards and fill it with the warm and comforting smells that the gingerbread creates when baking away. It is lockdown after all! This smell brings me nostalgic memories of my Gran baking her gingerbread and fruit loaves in her cosy home."
Easy 👌
25 min
50 min
15 min


450 g
Self-raising Flour
225 g
dark brown sugar
225 g
golden syrup
225 g
molasses (treacle)
225 g
salted butter or margarine
2 tsp
ground ginger
2 tsp
Mixed spice (or just cinnamon would do)
300 ml
milk (semi-skimmed or whole milk)


pot, 2 bowls, fork, wooden spoon, baking tin, oven

  • Step 1/7

    Melt sugar, butter, treacle and syrup in a pan
    • 225 g dark brown sugar
    • 225 g golden syrup
    • 225 g molasses (treacle)
    • 225 g salted butter or margarine
    • pot

    Melt sugar, butter, treacle and syrup in a pan

  • Step 2/7

    Mix flour, ginger, mixed spice in a bowl
    • 450 g Self-raising Flour
    • 2 tsp ground ginger
    • 2 tsp Mixed spice (or just cinnamon would do)
    • bowl

    Mix flour, ginger, mixed spice in a bowl

  • Step 3/7

    Gently whisk the eggs with the milk.
    • 2 eggs
    • 300 ml milk (semi-skimmed or whole milk)
    • fork
    • bowl

    Gently whisk the eggs with the milk.

  • Step 4/7

    Add the milk and eggs mixture and melted butter mixture to the bowl containing dry flour mix.
    • wooden spoon

    Add the milk and eggs mixture and melted butter mixture to the bowl containing dry flour mix.

  • Step 5/7

    Pour into greased baking tray/loaf tin (30 x 23 x 4cm) lined with grease proof paper.
    • baking tin

    Pour into greased baking tray/loaf tin (30 x 23 x 4cm) lined with grease proof paper.

  • Step 6/7

    Place in the top shelf of your oven set to 160°C/325°F/Gas Mark 3 for ~50 minutes or until risen and golden. I like to cook it to the point that it’s still gooey inside.
    • oven

    Place in the top shelf of your oven set to 160°C/325°F/Gas Mark 3 for ~50 minutes or until risen and golden. I like to cook it to the point that it’s still gooey inside.

  • Step 7/7

    Allow to cool in baking tray slightly and then place on a cooling rack. You should be able to cut it into 16 generous slices.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Sweet and Spicy Treacle Ginger Cake


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