Simo‘s Paella
Step 1/8
- ½ onion
- ½ leek
- oil
- olive oil
Start with a little bit of oil (more vegetable oil than olive oil to avoid the bitter taste) and on a medium to low heat let the chopped onion cook until it changes color but dont let it burn.
Step 2/8
- ½ green pointed pepper
- ½ red pointed pepper
- 100 g snow peas
- 37½ g peas
Add the pointed pepper (cutted in squares) and the other vegitables.
Step 3/8
- 1 chicken drumsticks (skinless)
- ½ tomato
Add the chicken drumsticks and let them change their color from the outside. Be careful that notging burns. Add the tomato (juce).
Step 4/8
- ½ clove garlic
Now add the the garlic (paste). And wait till it changes color and zou can smill the garlic beginning to cook.
Step 5/8
- ¼ g saffron
- ¼ tsp sweet paprika powder
- ⅛ tsp ground cumin
- ¼ tsp ground turmeric
- black peppercorn
- sea salt
Now add the spices and add water the let all of this cook for about 15-20 minutes.
Step 6/8
- ¼ kg paella rice
Add the paella rice to the right amout of water (each type of rice needs different amount of water) and let it cook for the right time (also according to the type of rice)
Step 7/8
- 250 g shrimp
- 375 g mussels
The last 10 minutes before the rice cooks completely, add the unpealed shrimps and the mussels on top of the rice and close the pot so that they can cook. Please be careful with the mussels. You have to chose only the ones that are closed totally. The ones that are open, are just dead. Through them away, if you cannot close them by hitting them more times on a hard surface. The ones that are alive have to be cleaned from the outside using a knife. And then washed many times with water.
Step 8/8
- 1 lemons
- ½ tbsp parsley
After the Simo’s Paella is ready, add the chopped parsley (and coriander). And slice the lemons and serve the limons on the paella.
Enjoy your meal!