Sautéed Potato, Pepper and Eggplant 地三鲜
Step 1/4
These are the sauces I used. Lee Kum Kee is a very good brand.
Step 2/4
- 1 tbsp Premium dark soy sauce
- 1 tbsp sugar
- ¼ tbsp salt
- 2 tbsp Corn/potato starch
- ½ cup water
- 2 cloves garlic
- 5 tbsp premium soy sauce
- 3 tbsp Oyster flavored sauce (leap spoons)
Cut the three vegetables into pieces. Potatoes can be cut into slices—it would be easier to fry. Slice the garlic. Mix all the other ingredients except for the oil & garlic together as the brown liquid in the left corner.
Step 3/4
- ½ cup oil
Fry the three vegetables individually until they’re cooked. I like to microwave the potatoes and eggplants each for 2 minutes to speed up the process. After that, it typically takes me 8 minutes to fully cook the potato cubes, 5 minutes for the eggplants, and 20 seconds for the peppers.
Step 4/4
Pour out some oil if there’s too much, and use the rest to fry the sliced garlic until you can smell it. Put in the vegetables and mix them for a few seconds. Add the sauce and mix the vegetables for a minute until the broth is thickened. It’s done then! Bon appetite!
Enjoy your meal!