Ruby chocolate pudding
Step 1/8
Put your ruby into a bigger bowl, where's more space for adding ingredients and mixing
Step 2/8
Chop your dark chocolate buttons / chips or chocolate bar into small pieces
Step 3/8
Put the coconut milk, oil and honey in one bowl and heat it in microwave or if you don't have micro, then put them into a small sauce pan and heat on the stove. Don't boil, but make it hot, otherwise it will not melt the chocolate. If necessary, you can melt the chocolate separately in microwave just about 30 minutes too, to fasten the process
Step 4/8
Mix everything really thoroughly with a spatula to get rid of all small chocolate pieces and make the blend totally smooth
Step 5/8
Put the delight into freezer for 2 hours
Step 6/8
Mix in the chocolate crumbs
Step 7/8
You can serve it by using ice cream scoop or just piling it into small bowls
Step 8/8
Add up some strawberries and sprinkle cocoa powder and you're good to go
Enjoy your meal!