Pretty valentine cupcakes
Step 1/11
- 1 tbsp gelatin powder
- ¾ Cup of strawberry syrup
For the first step, add gelatin powder to the syrup and set aside for 10 minutes. Then bring it to simmer til the gelatin dissolves in it. Then pour into small silicone heart-shaped mold and put in the refrigerator to decorate.
Step 2/11
- 1 cup of whole milk
- 2 eggs
- 50 g butter
- 1 cup of sugar powder
- 1 tsp Vanilla powder
Turn on the oven at 180 degrees Celsius to heat. Mix the softened butter at home temperature with sugar and vanilla. To the extent of mixing. Then add the egg. Mix with an electric mixer for about 4-5 minutes. Add milk and mix.
Step 3/11
- 1¾ cup all purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- ¼ cup of cacao powder
- 1 tsp red food coloring
- ½ tsp Salt
Then mix flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt and add to the mixture . Add red color.
Step 4/11
Pour into a muffin tin.
Step 5/11
Bake them for 20 to 25 minutes and then check with a toothpick that the marrow is cooked. Then let it cool and in the meantime, prepare the icing .
Step 6/11
- 1 cup of white sugar
- 50 g butter
- 1 tsp vanilla powder
- 1 cup of cream cheese
Mix the cheese, butter, sugar and vanilla with a mixer until creamy and soft and leave them in the fridge until firm.
Step 7/11
Now it’s time to decorate.
Step 8/11
Use toothpick to dot and shape the red color.
Step 9/11
Hearts ♥️
Step 10/11
Pretty 🤩
Step 11/11
Enjoy your meal!