Pizza Rolls
Step 1/8
- 4 tbsp tomato purée (passata)
- ½ tsp dried oregano, basil and parsley
- ½ tsp garlic and onion granules
- 1 tsp smoked paprika powder
- ½ tsp if you like some chili powder
- 1 drop olive oil
- salt, pepper
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. For the sauce mix tomato purée, a splash of oil and the seasonings together. Stir well until everything is combined.
Step 2/8
- 1 ready pizza dough
Open up the pizza dough and spread the tomato purée mix all over it. Sprinkle some more herbs over it.
Step 3/8
- 1 package salami ( or any filling you like )
Put the salami or the filling you pick, evenly on the dough.
Step 4/8
- 250 g grated cheese
Now sprinkle some grated cheese all over. Don’t use too much. It will fall out when you cut the roll. But don’t worry, you can put some cheese on the roll, when they ready on the tray.
Step 5/8
Start to roll the pizza dough up. Start from the longer side
Step 6/8
Cut the roll now in slices. I would say about as thick as a thumb.
Step 7/8
Put some baking paper on a tray and place the rolls on them. Not too close to each other because they will grow a little bit. Now you can fill the little gaps with some more cheese
Step 8/8
Bake the pizza rolls in the preheated oven for 12-15 min.
Enjoy your meal!