Baked Kibbeh

Baked Kibbeh

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"This recipe is one of the favorite in my family. I cook this recipe usually on saturday night for the dinner. Do this recipe for your family too. Go aheady."
Medium 👍
60 min
80 min
30 min


250 g
bulgur wheat
375 ml
warm water
100 g
sliced bacon
100 g
ham slices
100 g
pepperoni sausage
grated carrot
salt to taste
black pepper to taste


1 bowl, 1 spatula, 1 bowl (large)

  • Step 1/4

    The first step is to add warm water to the bulgur and let it hydrate for 30 min.
    • 250 g bulgur wheat
    • 375 ml warm water
    • 1 bowl
    • 1 spatula

    The first step is to add warm water to the bulgur and let it hydrate for 30 min.

  • Step 2/4

    The second step is to season the meat with garlic, onion, salt and pepper to taste
    • 500 g ground beef
    • 1 clove garlic (grated)
    • ½ onion
    • salt to taste
    • black pepper to taste
    • 1 bowl (large)

    The second step is to season the meat with garlic, onion, salt and pepper to taste

  • Step 3/4

    Add the bulgur to the meat

    Add the bulgur to the meat

  • Step 4/4

    First grease the pan with butter. Then place the bacon slices. Add the kibe to the pan. Add the ham, the mozzarella, the grated carrot, the sausage, the pods and finally add more ham and mozzarella. Finally, cover with the rest of the kibe. Bake at 250 ° C / 480 ° F for approx. 80 min.
    • 100 g sliced bacon
    • 100 g ham slices
    • 100 g mozzarella cheese
    • 100 g pepperoni sausage
    • 1 grated carrot
    • 4 pod

    First grease the pan with butter. Then place the bacon slices. Add the kibe to the pan. Add the ham, the mozzarella, the grated carrot, the sausage, the pods and finally add more ham and mozzarella. Finally, cover with the rest of the kibe. Bake at 250 ° C / 480 ° F for approx. 80 min.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Baked Kibbeh


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