5-ingredient pasta with red pepper pesto
frying pan, food processor, cooking spoon, rubber spatula, cutting board, knife, pot, bowl
Nutrition per serving
Step 1/2
- 150 g jarred roasted red bell peppers
- 10 g thyme
- 2 cloves garlic
- 70 g hazelnuts
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
- frying pan
- food processor
- cooking spoon
- rubber spatula
- cutting board
- knife
Drain the roasted red peppers. Pick the thyme leaves, and peel and crush the garlic cloves. Add the thyme leaves and hazelnuts to a dry frying pan set over medium heat and warm them until they just start to brown and smell toasty. Transfer the hazelnuts to a food processor along with most of the thyme leaves, the garlic, and the red peppers and blend into a thick paste. Drizzle in olive oil, and season with salt and pepper to taste and blend into a slick pesto. Set aside.
Step 2/2
- 200 g pasta
- salt
- pot
- bowl
Bring a pot of water to boil over high heat. Generously salt and cook pasta until al dente. Drain and add to a large bowl. Toss with the pesto. Serve pasta with a sprinkle of the remaining thyme leaves. Season to taste and enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!