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Kitchen Stories App
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The Shopping List Is Back!

The Shopping List Is Back!

One of your favorite Kitchen Stories features is back and better than ever.

In app

Good news! The in-app shopping list feature is back and ready for you in the latest version of the app.

The shopping list allows you to add ingredient lists from recipes directly into one shopping list, ready for you to tick off as you gather ingredients to cook your dishes.

How does it work?

Once you’ve decided what you’re cooking, add all the ingredients to your shopping list. You can add as many recipes as you like, so it's perfect for weekly meal planning and shopping.

You can easily adapt the number of portions you’d like for each dish, and the list will automatically update to ensure you’re shopping for the right amount. 

You'll be able to see the ingredients grouped by recipe, or as one ‘all items’ list, with all the ingredient quantities added together for your convenience. Plus, you can quickly tick off ingredients you already have on hand; perfect for checking the pantry before heading to the supermarket.

What's new and how do I access it?

The much-loved shopping list feature has all your favorite features, with a smoother feel and better experience for you, our valued Kitchen Stories users. 

Simply update your app via the app store on your device. The shopping list feature is available in the app only, so if you’re a web user, be sure to download the Kitchen Stories app via the app store to try it out. Simply head to the App Store or Google Play.

Got feedback?

We’re all ears! Email us at or reach out via any of our social media channels. You can also contact the product team directly via or schedule a call with our product team using this link.

Published on June 6, 2024

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