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My Top 5 Time Saving Tips in the Kitchen

My Top 5 Time Saving Tips in the Kitchen

5 simple tips from my time as a home cook

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Jing Yue Lok

Food Editor at Kitchen Stories

You worked all day and it’s time to cook a satisfying and (preferably) nutritious meal. The only problem is, you have no motivation to stay in the kitchen after this very long day. Which is fine, we’ve all been there!

Even though I work at Kitchen Stories, and cooking is a huge part of my life, the above scenario above happens all too often. So, here I’ve prepared a few tips that I wish I had known earlier in my cooking journey, just for you to get a head start. Much trial and error, many social media videos, cookbooks, family, and friends brought me to this point, but I’ll quickly catch you up to speed.

Save your time with these cooking tips

Cooking doesn’t need to be complicated, and these tips are here to help. After reading through you’ll cook quicker, easier, and faster than ever.

Express carbohydrates are your new favorites

Pasta, rice and potatoes are the foundation of any carbohydrate dish. There are different varieties as you know, and luckily enough, some have even shorter cooking times! Instead of spaghetti, try capellini, which is ready in 3 minutes. If your side dish is rice (with curry for instance), go for parboiled rice. It’s already partially pre-cooked, so needs even less time. Instead of large potatoes, opt for smaller varieties like kipfler: They have a shorter cooking time, and there's no need to peel them!

Don’t think twice, just add more spice

Get creative with salty flavorings. Soy sauce, fish sauce, or miso paste—these do not have to be used solely for their national cuisines. They’re all umami based, and are all instant kicks to add more flavor to your simple dishes like tomato sauces, stews, or soups, without needing to cook them for longer.

You can already try it here:

Easy vegetable noodle soup

Easy vegetable noodle soup

Freezing aromatics

Garlic, onion, scallion, ginger, and chili are all my go-to aromatics in the kitchen. To save time on chopping them up each time, I mince garlic, onions, and scallions right after the market run, freeze them in portions and keep in freezer bags or containers. Then you just add them to your dishes! Your future self will thank you. Chillies and ginger can also be frozen as whole pieces and grated into your dish of choice.

Freezing your aromatics also keeps them fresh, which is great if you can’t always use them up before they go bad in the fridge.

Freeze your veggies

I grew up seeing only fresh vegetables being used in the kitchen, so I always thought frozen vegetables were not the best. I know now that frozen vegetables are flash-frozen right after harvest, which assures that the nutrients are intact. They are not only just as good as fresh ones, but even better for meal prep. Already chopped and cleaned veggies means that you have already skipped a few steps.

The sharper the knife the better

Not everyone pays attention to having a sharp knife in the kitchen, but it’s actually quite essential. Sharp knives are simply better and safer than dull ones. Speaking from personal experience, if your knife is sharp, the risk of injury is lower. Sharp ones cut more precisely, which means they won’t slip around, unlike the dull ones. Not to mention, your work is faster and more efficient with a sharp knife.

How to sharpen a knife

How to sharpen a knife

  • 01:50 min.

What tips will you share with our fellow home cooks? We’re all looking forward to your advice in the comment section.

Published on May 31, 2024

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