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Deep-dive Into the World of Spices: Cajun Edition

Deep-dive Into the World of Spices: Cajun Edition

Learn the history and mix it yourself at home

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Dasom Yang

Dasom Yang

Food Editor at Kitchen Stories

Many cuisines around the world dazzle the palates of gourmets with their signature spices. Today we’re thinking of one with a particular history of fusion and adaptation that has always featured spices as its foremost identifying feature: Cajun!
What exactly IS a Cajun cuisine, you ask? Buckle up as we share the origins of this southern U.S. cuisine that epitomizes gastro-migration, as well as its key ingredients and dishes. Finally, we share tips on how to mix your own Cajun spices so that you too can transport yourself right into the heart of Louisiana.

If you’re looking for ways to add more interesting flavour to your dishes, we’ve got a shortcut for you! The Kitchen Stories spice mixes make it easy to get to delicious results. Check out our BBQ grill party set!

Browse our BBQ spice mixes for your inspiration!

Grill-Party seasoning set

Grill-Party seasoning set

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Becoming Cajun: From Acadia to Louisiana

Like the history of many other cuisines, the story of Cajun spices and cuisine is also one of migration, adaptation, and fusion. It traces back to the 18th century in Acadia, modern day eastern Canada, where British authorities forcefully deported French settlers, leading them to migrate to the southern United States, particularly to Louisiana. The name Cajun comes from the regionalized pronunciation of “Acadians.”
The Cajun-Acadians embraced cooking techniques and flavors of West African, French, and Spanish origins and mixed them with Indigenous American and African American cuisines to gradually perfect their own regional signature.

Signature ingredients and flavors

As such, Cajun cuisine sports a depth of flavors, cooking methods, and a variety of spices that transcends continents. The original rustic French-West African cuisine adapted to the warmer climate and the proximity to sea in Louisiana: crayfish and seafood became staple ingredients, rice replaced potatoes as the dominant starch, bell peppers took the place of carrots, all the while black peppers and cayenne peppers added the heat that became Cajun signature.

Gumbo, jambalaya, and étouffée

Three dishes epitomize the Cajun cuisine: gumbo, jambalaya, and étouffée. They all share the signature Cajun characteristics: spices, use of seafood and centering of rice. However, some key differences help distinguish them: although gumbo and étouffée both have soup- or stew-like consistency and are served with or over rice, étouffée is thickened with roux and has a denser consistency than gumbo. Jambalaya, in contrast, is similar to paella in that rice is cooked together with the rest of the ingredients in the pot.

Try a signature Cajun dish with our recipe:

Jambalaya with shrimps and smoked sausage

Jambalaya with shrimps and smoked sausage

Cajun spices: A quick way to infuse your dish with Cajun flair

Addicted to the Cajun flavors already? Well, there is a shortcut to infusing almost all of your dishes with that piquant heartiness of everything Cajun: spices! One easy example is our one-pot creamy Cajun pasta.

One-pot creamy Cajun chicken pasta

One-pot creamy Cajun chicken pasta

But by blending the right ingredients in precise proportions, you can easily use them on almost anything: as dry rubs on your grilled meats and veggies, as spices on your sides, soups, and even salads, and transport yourself right into the heart of Louisiana. Here’s how!

Making your own Cajun spice mix

Typically, 6 key ingredients form the base of your Cajun mix: paprika, garlic, onion, salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. We recommend mixing them in the ratio of 3:2:2:2:1:1 (tsp) for a balanced flavor, consistency and color, but feel free to experiment!

Depending on the preference, these herbs and spices are also a great match for enhancing your Cajun spice mix: white pepper, red pepper flakes, dry mustard powder, thyme, basil, cumin, a generic Italian or Provençal seasoning, and curry powder. When mixing in additional ingredients, be careful not to let them overpower the base: only add 1 tsp or less to start with.

Need a cheat sheet?

If you're looking for an inspiration to start your own spice mix with, have a look at our own Kitchen Stories spice mixes: Made from organic ingredients, they serve as a great base and alternative for cuisines and ingredients–beyond their namesake.

Once you have your own Cajun mix, you can use it as a marinade, dry rub, or a sauce addition. Have a look at our articles on the variety of BBQ sauces or how to marinate correctly so you can use your freshly mixed Cajun spices in the best way possible!

Try Cajun spices in these dishes

The best thing about having your own spice mix is that you can add it to virtually everything and give it the twist you want: In this case, the deliciously spicy, hearty Cajun kick!

Go beyond the three musketeers of Cajun cuisine and try using your Cajun spice in these recipes below. Swap out the suggested spices with your Cajun mix and enjoy the surprising results: After all, mixing and merging cuisines, styles, and influences is the core discipline that informs the richness of the Cajun cuisine!

Make Sicilian seafood stew with Christian

Make Sicilian seafood stew with Christian

5-ingredient one-pan braised cod
Bean cassoulet with fennel, bacon, and Italian sausage
Braised veal with chorizo
Loaded smashed potatoes

Published on August 30, 2023

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