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Carrots for Claire

Carrots for Claire

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Veronika is a food blogger, cookbook author, food photographer, trained teacher, and mother—wow. In order to have enough energy for all of these activities, Veronika minds a nutritious yet uncomplicated and enjoyable diet that is documented in her blog “Carrots for Claire.” She changed her cooking and eating habits after the birth of her first daughter, Claire, who developed intolerances to cow’s milk, wheat, and artificial additives early on. As such, the whole family followed suit and changed their diet. Since then, there are not only carrots for Claire, but nutritious ingredients, such as millet, rye, and coconut oil, too.

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All recipes by Carrots for Claire

Fresh pomegranate-orange juice

Fresh pomegranate-orange juice

Mini apple croissants

Mini apple croissants

Sugar-free carrot cake

Sugar-free carrot cake

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