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All the Ways to Make Dalgona Coffee: Recipes from the Community

All the Ways to Make Dalgona Coffee: Recipes from the Community

When you whisk, I whisk, we whisk

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Editorial Team at Kitchen Stories

2020 has been a weird year. With so many people around the world confined to their homes, it’s no surprise that the kitchen became a place for catharsis and creativity. Whether it was making a sourdough starter or perfecting chocolate chip cookies, home cooking and baking increased all over the globe, resulting in a worldwide food community that was incredible to witness—and is very much in line with our mission here at Kitchen Stories.

Following the food trends from our homes, there was one that piqued the curiosity of our editors. With its frothy whipped tip and alluring two-tone aesthetic, this 4-ingredient coffee drink swept all of social media. That’s right, we’re talking about dalgona coffee. Since then, dozens of you—our community—shared your own interpretations of dalgona through our app (including a dalgona tiramisu), which we were delighted to see! So we wanted to highlight some of your recipes to encourage you to keep whisking and share any tips or other recipes you might have up your sleeve. If you need a quick refresher or some guidance on how to upload recipes to the KS app, find our guide here. We look forward to seeing what you whip together!

Dalgona latté

Dalgona latté

Whipped Coffee Topping

Whipped Coffee Topping

country side coffee

country side coffee

whipped coffee / frappé coffee

whipped coffee / frappé coffee

Frappè not dalgona 😘

Frappè not dalgona 😘

Whipped coffee

Whipped coffee

Cold Coffee without coffee maker at home

Cold Coffee without coffee maker at home

Published on July 27, 2020

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