Stuffed baked apples and almond-ginger cream
oven with microwave function, plastic wrap, bowl, fine grater, whisk, baking sheet, apple corer, cutting board, knife, paper towel, food processor, pastry brush, microwave proof baking dish, small bowl
Nutrition per serving
Step 1/6
- 30 g ginger
- 250 ml almond milk
- 1½ tbsp starch
- 25 ml maple syrup
- oven with microwave function
- plastic wrap
- bowl
- fine grater
- whisk
Peel and grate ginger. Place in a bowl along with the almond milk, cornstarch, and maple syrup and stir to combine. Transfer to an oven with microwave function and cook for 4 min. at 600W, whisking every 30 sec. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside.
Step 2/6
- 35 g pistachios
- 30 g almonds
- 10 ml olive oil
- salt
- baking sheet
- bowl
Toss pistachios, almonds, part of the olive oil, and salt in a bowl. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for 12 min. at 200°C, 180W, or until nuts are golden. Remove and let cool.
Step 3/6
- 4 apples
- apple corer
- cutting board
- knife
- paper towel
In the meanwhile, rinse the apples under cold water and pat dry. Cut off the top. Carefully core the apples, leaving them whole and making sure that the cavity is around 2-cm/ 0.8-in. diameter.
Step 4/6
- 40 ml olive oil
- 40 g dried apricots
- 45 ml amaretto
- 2 tsp honey
- food processor
In a food processor, process the toasted nuts together with some more olive oil, dried apricots, amaretto, and half of the honey, until nuts are ground and mixture forms a coarse paste.
Step 5/6
- 10 ml olive oil
- 2 tsp honey
- pastry brush
- oven with microwave function
- microwave proof baking dish
- small bowl
In a small bowl, combine the remaining olive oil and honey. Transfer cored apples to a microwave proof baking dish. Brush the apples with oil-honey mixture and bake for 10 min. at 190°C, 360W.
Step 6/6
- pistachios for garnish
- cutting board
- knife
Chop pistachios. Fill the apples with pistachio and almond paste. Garnish with chopped pistachios. Serve with almond and ginger sauce. Enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!