Molten chocolate cake and mulled wine citrus salad
large saucepan, cutting board, knife, large mixing bowl, sieve, small mixing bowl, oven, small saucepan, baking molds, heatproof bowl, hand mixer with beaters, baking sheet
Nutrition per serving
Step 1/6
- 6 oranges
- 2 grapefruits
- 2 limes
- 1 lemon
- large saucepan
- cutting board
- knife
- large mixing bowl
Peel oranges, grapefruits, limes, and lemon. Supreme citrus fruits, set the segments aside, and press out the juice from the remaining membranes. Add juice to a saucepan.
Step 2/6
- 2 tbsp starch
- 2 tbsp water
- 20 g sugar
- ½ vanilla bean
- 1 tbsp mulled wine spice
- 3 tbsp honey
- sieve
- small mixing bowl
Combine starch and water in a small bowl to make a slurry. Halve vanilla bean and scrape out the seeds. Add to saucepan, together with sugar and mulled wine spice. Bring to a boil and add the slurry. Let reduce by half, then strain over citrus segments and toss to coat. Season to taste with honey and set aside.
Step 3/6
- 90 g butter
- 100 g dark chocolate
- butter for greasing
- oven
- small saucepan
- baking molds
- heatproof bowl
Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F. Grease baking molds. Dice butter and chop chocolate. Melt both in a heatproof bowl set over a small saucepan of simmering water.
Step 4/6
- 3 eggs
- 120 g sugar
- 40 g flour
- sieve
- hand mixer with beaters
- large mixing bowl
Meanwhile, add eggs to a mixing bowl, then add half of the sugar and beat until foamy. Add remaining sugar and melted chocolate and stir slowly. Sift in flour and stir gently.
Step 5/6
- baking sheet
Distribute the dough into the molds, transfer them onto a baking sheet, and bake at 180°C/350°F for approx. 10 min., until tops are firm but cakes wobble slightly when jiggled.
Step 6/6
- confectioner's sugar for dusting
Serve citrus salad on a plate, release cakes from molds, and place them directly on top. Garnish with confectioner's sugar and enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!