Pancakes with russian's filling
Step 1/7
- 90 ml cold pressed rapeseed oil
- 800 g flour
- 4 eggs
- 800 ml water
- 300 ml milk
To the big bowl add flour, eggs, 5 ml oil water and milk. Next take mixer and mix component. It have to be smooth mass. Pouring mass into the hot pans so that it is 2-3mm.
Step 2/7
When pancake will be gold take it out to a plate. After 5 minutes it will be fluffy and soft
Step 3/7
- 4 onions
- 500 g cottage cheese
- 10 potatoes
- salt
- pepper
Cook potatoes. Cut onion. Get this to one big bowl, add cottage cheese, salt and pepper and mix.
Step 4/7
On the half pancake take the filling
Step 5/7
Wrap it!
Step 6/7
On the pan take butter and pancake. Fry it 3 minutes on first and second half
Step 7/7
When pancake will be hot inside you can enjoy you meal!
Enjoy your meal!