Oven-baked salmon with kohlrabi and cucumber
oven with microwave function, microwave-safe baking dish, cutting board, knife, bowl
Nutrition per serving
Step 1/5
- 175 g kohlrabi
- ¼ onion
- ½ tbsp olive oil
- salt
- oven with microwave function
- microwave-safe baking dish
- cutting board
- knife
Peel and roughly dice kohlrabi. Peel and finely dice onion. Add diced onion and kohlrabi to a microwave-safe baking dish. Season with salt and add olive oil. Cook at 600W for 5 min., using microwave function.
Step 2/5
- ½ cucumber
Meanwhile, quarter cucumber lengthwise and remove seedy cores. Slice, then cut in bite-sized pieces and set aside.
Step 3/5
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 1½ tsp mustard
- 37½ ml white balsamic vinegar
- 50 ml vegetable broth
- ½ bay leaf
- salt
- bowl
Add maple syrup, mustard, white balsamic vinegar, vegetable broth, and bay leaf to a bowl. Season with salt.
Step 4/5
- 25 g butter
- oven with microwave function
Remove baking dish from the oven and add cucumber. Pour over the sauce and distribute butter in pieces on top. In the oven with microwave function, bake for 10 min. at 150°C/300°F, 360W.
Step 5/5
- 200 g salmon fillets
- 5 g dill
- salt
- dill for garnish
- cutting board
- knife
Meanwhile, cut salmon in desired pieces and season with salt. Pluck dill from stalks and finely chop. Remove baking dish from the oven, add salmon on top and sprinkle with dill. Bake at 150°C/300°F, 180W for 5 min. more. Garnish with dill. Enjoy with rice, if desired!
Enjoy your meal!