How to infuse whipped cream

How to infuse whipped cream

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20 min
0 min
0 min


heavy cream
dried or fresh aromatics, like herbs and spices
  • Step 1/1

    Infusing whipped cream with subtle hints of flavor is one of the best ways to make a dessert instantly more interesting. Bright, fresh herbs, like mint, basil, or tarragon add a fun twist when dolloped atop fruit-filled cakes, while warm spices, like cinnamon- and cardamom-infused cream, are an ideal pair for hot chocolate or chocolate cake. Cold-infusions work best for fresh ingredients, while hot infusions are great for dried products. Depending on the intensity of the aromatic, you'll use different amounts per one cup of cream; generally, that means about 1/4 cup of chopped fresh herbs, but only 1 – 3 tsp. of dried spices. If the infusion is too strong, simply dilute it with more cream before whipping and serving.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    How to infuse whipped cream


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