Homemade sourdough starter

Homemade sourdough starter

Based on 3 ratings
In app
Hanna Reder

Hanna Reder

Test Kitchen Manager and Chef at Kitchen Stories

Easy 👌


300 g
300 ml


glass jar

  • Step 1/4

    • 100 g flour
    • 100 ml water
    • glass jar

    Day 1: Add some flour and some water to a jar, stirring to combine. Let sit uncovered at room temperature for 24 hr.

  • Step 2/4

    • 100 g flour
    • 100 ml water

    Day 2: Feed the starter by stirring in some more flour and water into the jar. Let sit uncovered at room temperature for another 24 hr.

  • Step 3/4

    • 100 g flour
    • 100 ml water

    Day 3: The sourdough should now show visible bubbles. Feed the starter again with some flour and some water. Let rest for another 24 hr.

  • Step 4/4

    Day 4: To see if your sourdough starter is ready for baking, do the float test. Add a small amount of starter to a glass of water. If it sinks, keep feeding it with flour and water for one more day. If it floats, the sourdough starter is ready to be used for baking. Measure out the starter according to your recipe and transfer the remaining starter to a jar. Seal the jar and place in the fridge. For your next baking project, start feeding your starter again at “Day 2.”

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Homemade sourdough starter


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