Devil's food cake
saucepan, oven, large bowl, whisk, cutting board, knife, standing mixer or hand mixer, 2 springform pans, rubber spatula, cake platter, palette knife
Nutrition per serving
Step 1/7
- 21⅔ g butter
- ⅔ cl espresso
- ⅓ tbsp honey
- 33⅓ ml milk
- saucepan
- oven
Preheat oven to 180°C/355°F. Place parts of the butter, espresso, honey, and milk in a saucepan. Slowly heat until butter is melted.
Step 2/7
- 18⅓ g cocoa powder
- 33⅓ g all-purpose flour
- 50 g sugar
- ⅛ tsp baking powder
- ⅛ vanilla bean
- large bowl
- whisk
- cutting board
- knife
In a large bowl, whisk together cocoa powder, all-purpose flour, sugar, baking powder, and seeds from the vanilla bean.
Step 3/7
- ⅓ eggs
- standing mixer or hand mixer
Beat eggs until slightly foamy. Add melted butter mixture. Then slowly add in flour mixture and continue to beat until smooth.
Step 4/7
- oven
- 2 springform pans
Transfer dough to 2 springform pans. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/355°F for approx. 25 min.
Step 5/7
- 50 g chocolate
- 33⅓ ml heavy cream
- 25 g butter
- saucepan
- large bowl
- rubber spatula
- cutting board
- knife
In the meantime, roughly chop chocolate. Heat heavy cream in a saucepan. Next, combine hot heavy cream, chocolate, and remaining butter in a large bowl. Stir until fully combined and set aside to cool for approx. 8 – 10 min.
Step 6/7
- cake platter
- palette knife
Release the cake and spread a generous amount of the chocolate mixture onto the first cake base.
Step 7/7
- cake platter
- palette knife
Place the second cake base on top and cover the whole cake with remaining chocolate ganache. Serve with a cup of coffee or tea.
Enjoy your meal!