Courgette and roasted pepper risotto
Step 1/6
- 4 tbsp oil
- 1 red onion
- 4 tbsp Chopped flat leaf parsley
- Salt
- Pepper
Add half the butter and all the oil to a pan, sauté the onion and parsley with some salt until softened
Step 2/6
- 400 g risotto rice
Add the rice and cook for a further 3 minutes to cook the outer layer of the rice
Step 3/6
- 150 ml White wine (optional)
- 1300 ml Vegetable stock
- 2 Courgette
Add the wine and cook for a couple of minutes until the alcohol evaporates. (Optional) Then add 2 ladles of stock, stir and wait for the liquid to evaporate and rice to thicken. Then add the courgette and add 2 more ladles of stock
Step 4/6
Continue stirring the rice, adding stock once the liquid has been absorbed
Step 5/6
- 300 g Roasted peppers
After 15 minutes add the peppers. Continue to stir, adding the stock as the liquid begins to evaporate and rice thickens. Cook until rice is cooked but has a little bit of bite still
Step 6/6
- 100 g butter
- 80 g Parmesan cheese
Take pan off the heat and add in the cheese and remaining butter
Enjoy your meal!