Classic blondies
square baking pan, oven, aluminum foil, small saucepan, large mixing bowl, spatula, small bowl, cutting board, knife
Nutrition per serving
Step 1/5
- 170 g butter, plus more for greasing
- square baking pan
- oven
- aluminum foil
- small saucepan
- large mixing bowl
Preheat oven to 175°C/350°F. Line a square baking pan with aluminum foil, letting some hang over the sides. Grease foil with a pat of butter. Set pan aside. Melt remaining butter in a small saucepan over medium low heat until it starts to brown and smell nutty, swirling it around the pan from time to time. Transfer to a large mixing bowl and allow to cool completely.
Step 2/5
- 265 g brown Muscovado sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- spatula
Add sugar to cooled butter and mix until emulsified. Then, add eggs and vanilla to butter and sugar mixture, beat until combined.
Step 3/5
- 190 g all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp salt
- small bowl
Whisk together flour and salt in a small bowl. Stir into butter mixture and beat until combined.
Step 4/5
- 170 g semisweet chocolate or chocolate chips
- cutting board
- knife
Chop chocolate and add to batter, or simply use chocolate chips. Stir until incorporated.
Step 5/5
Transfer batter to prepared baking dish and bake in preheated oven at 175°C/350°F for approx. 20 – 30 min. until golden brown. Blondies should not be too soft in the middle and just starting to crack on top. Cool completely, and then use the aluminum foil to help transfer the blondies out of the pan. Cut into squares and enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!