Braided Easter bread with jam
whisk, small saucepan, mixing bowl, stand mixer or hand mixer with dough hooks, kitchen towel, hand blender, knife, baking sheet, oven, dough scraper, parchment paper, pastry brush
Nutrition per serving
Step 1/7
- 133⅓ ml milk
- 6⅔ g yeast
- whisk
- small saucepan
In a small saucepan, whisk together milk and yeast, then carefully warm on low heat, just until the mixture is lukewarm. Set aside for approx. 10 min.
Step 2/7
- 166⅔ g flour
- ⅔ eggs
- ⅛ tsp vanilla bean seeds
- 1 tbsp sugar
- ⅛ tsp salt
- ⅓ tbsp grapeseed oil
- ⅓ tbsp sweet dessert wine
- mixing bowl
- stand mixer or hand mixer with dough hooks
Add flour, eggs, vanilla bean seeds, sugar, salt, grapeseed oil, and dessert wine to a mixing bowl and stir in a stand mixer. Add milk-yeast-mixture and stir until a smooth dough is formed.
Step 3/7
- flour for work surface
- kitchen towel
Flour a clean work surface. Turn dough out onto surface and knead by hand until smooth and elastic. Transfer back to mixing bowl and cover with a kitchen towel. Let dough rise in a warm place for approx. 30 min.
Step 4/7
- 200 g apricots
- 66⅔ g gelling sugar
- hand blender
- small saucepan
- knife
Halve apricots and remove pits. Add apricot halves and gelling sugar to a saucepan and simmer on medium-high heat until apricots break down and jam thickens and becomes creamy. For serving later, remove some of the apricot halves from the saucepan after approx. 5 min. of cooking and set aside. Cool down jam, then purée until fine and smooth.
Step 5/7
- baking sheet
- oven
- dough scraper
- parchment paper
Knead dough one more time. Divide into 6 equal parts, then divide each part again into 3 parts. Form long dough strips out of each part, approx. 20 cm/8 in. long. Braid 3 strips at a time into small buns and transfer them to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Let buns rise for approx. 30 min. more. Preheat oven to 160°C/320°F.
Step 6/7
- ⅓ egg yolk
- pastry brush
Beat egg yolk, then coat braided yeast buns with it. Bake at 160°C/320°F until golden brown for approx. 25 – 30 min.
Step 7/7
- sour cream ice for serving
Serve Easter bread with apricot jam and apricot halves. If desired, serve with sour cream ice cream, and enjoy while Easter bread is still warm!
Enjoy your meal!