Avocado maki and salmon nigiri

Avocado maki and salmon nigiri

Based on 13 ratings
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Christian Ruß

Christian Ruß

Test Kitchen Manager and Chef at Kitchen Stories

"Maki and nigiri sushi are two of the most popular Japanese types of sushi. Whether you prepare them with vegetables, eggs, or fish, it's really important to pay attention to the freshness of your ingredients and to use them with care. Sushi is best served with wasabi, soy sauce and sushi ginger."
Easy 👌
45 min
0 min
45 min


180 g
sushi rice
360 ml
1 tbsp
confectioner’s sugar
½ tbsp
rice vinegar
dried seaweed sheets
wasabi paste
sushi ginger (for serving)


fine sieve, pot (with lid), pot (small), bowl, cutting board, knife, sushi mat, plastic wrap

Nutrition per serving

Fat15 g
Protein13 g
Carb27 g
  • Step 1/4

    Rinse sushi rice under running water until the water runs clear. Add rinsed rice and water to a pot and let sit for approx. 10 min., then bring to a simmer over low heat. Cover with a lid and let simmer for approx. 10 min. Remove pot from heat and let the sushi rice sit, covered, for approx. 15 min. longer. Afterwards, let rice cool down completely.
    • 180 g sushi rice
    • 360 ml water
    • fine sieve
    • pot (with lid)

    Rinse sushi rice under running water until the water runs clear. Add rinsed rice and water to a pot and let sit for approx. 10 min., then bring to a simmer over low heat. Cover with a lid and let simmer for approx. 10 min. Remove pot from heat and let the sushi rice sit, covered, for approx. 15 min. longer. Afterwards, let rice cool down completely.

  • Step 2/4

    Add confectioner’s sugar, rice vinegar, and salt to a pot and heat the mixture until the sugar is dissolved. Add to cooled sushi rice and stir to combine.
    • 1 tbsp confectioner’s sugar
    • ½ tbsp rice vinegar
    • tsp salt
    • pot (small)
    • bowl

    Add confectioner’s sugar, rice vinegar, and salt to a pot and heat the mixture until the sugar is dissolved. Add to cooled sushi rice and stir to combine.

  • Step 3/4

    For avocado maki, slice avocado. Wrap sushi mat in plastic wrap and place a nori sheet on top. With damp hands, spread sushi rice onto the lower half of nori sheet and spread some wasabi and place sliced avocado in the center of the rice. Roll together tightly using the sushi mat and cut off overhang. Slice into equal-sized avocado maki.
    • ½ avocado
    • 2 dried seaweed sheets
    • wasabi paste
    • cutting board
    • knife
    • sushi mat
    • plastic wrap

    For avocado maki, slice avocado. Wrap sushi mat in plastic wrap and place a nori sheet on top. With damp hands, spread sushi rice onto the lower half of nori sheet and spread some wasabi and place sliced avocado in the center of the rice. Roll together tightly using the sushi mat and cut off overhang. Slice into equal-sized avocado maki.

  • Step 4/4

    For salmon nigiri, slice salmon filet. Form cooked sushi rice into oval shapes and spread some wasabi on top. Place sliced salmon on top. Serve sushi with more wasabi, sushi ginger, and soy sauce for dipping. Enjoy!
    • 100 g salmon fillets
    • wasabi paste
    • sushi ginger (for serving)
    • soy sauce (for serving)

    For salmon nigiri, slice salmon filet. Form cooked sushi rice into oval shapes and spread some wasabi on top. Place sliced salmon on top. Serve sushi with more wasabi, sushi ginger, and soy sauce for dipping. Enjoy!

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Avocado maki and salmon nigiri


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