Gnocchi with sweet&spicy oven roasted tomatoes
Messer, Schneidebrett, ofenfester Behälter, Pfanne
Schritte 1/4
- 400 g Kirschtomaten
- 3 Zehen Knoblauch
- 1 TL Salz
- 1 Prise Chiliflocken
- ½ EL Zuckerrübensirup
- 50 ml Olivenöl (zum Einfetten)
- Messer
- Schneidebrett
- ofenfester Behälter
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C fan. Cut the tomatoes in half, peel the garlic and crush them with the side of the knife. Then place them all together in the oven dish. Spoon 1/2 (50 ml) of the oliveoil, the sugar beet syrup, the chili flakes and 1/2 teaspoon of salt on the tomatoe-garlic mix. Note: You can easily use 1/2 tablespoon sugar or honey instead of the sugar beet syrup.
Schritte 2/4
Place the oven dish with the tomato-garlic mix in the middle of the preheated oven and set the timer to 30 minutes.
Schritte 3/4
- 500 g Gnocchi
- 50 ml Olivenöl (zum Anbraten)
- Pfanne
5-10 Minutes before the tomatoes are done put the rest of the olive oil (50 ml) into a pan on a high heat. Add the gnocchi and gently fry, stirring consistently, till golden brown. Note: Depending on the kind of gnocchi use use (fresh, self made, etc.) for this recipe, you might have to cook them first.
Schritte 4/4
- 1 Prise Pfeffer
Place the gnocchi on a nice plate. Top with the roasted tomato-garlic mix. Spoon the aromatic sweet & spicy oil over the dish. Finish with a good grind of pepper, sprinkle with salt, and serve.
Guten Appetit!